Planning for a summer internship in the nation’s capital? The National Academy of Social Insurance does not provide housing for interns but below you will find several options to get you started on your search for accommodation. These links are not affiliated with the National Academy of Social Insurance; make sure to confirm the veracity of the content of the postings.

Download this guide as a pdf.

Universities with summer rentals

Intern and Student Housing

Washington Intern Student Housing (WISH):

  • Student housing located throughout the Capitol Hill neighborhood
  • HBCU National Center: Philanthropic Partnership:

International Student House of Washington DC:

  • Dormitory-style housing

The Washington Intern Housing Network:

  • Fully furnished intern housing

Cortado Student & Intern Housing :

Thompson-Markward Hall

  • This building in the Capitol Hill area is for women only. Rent is reasonable and includes two meals a day!

Online apartment rental sites

Be safe when renting through the web. Do not send bank transfers; go through the organization’s website for security and check for site reviews.

Read this cautionary tale about Airbnb, as it can apply to any online rental:

That said, here are two resources that have some filtering regarding hosts:

The options below have filters for hosts:

Cleveland Park Listserv & Facebook Groups

Cleveland Park is a centrally located neighborhood in Northwest DC. Its Listserv of neighbors has 16,000 members. You can join the group and post an ISO (in search of) for a rental for the summer. People have basement apartments, rooms for rent and sometimes a whole apartment available short-term. 

In the same manner, there are multiple Facebook groups offering ‘Washington DC housing’ within the many different neighborhoods. These groups are great to find short-term rentals and shared spaces. Be careful use discretion in your search.

Here is a guide to some DC neighborhoods:

Good luck in your search and see you in the District soon!