
Published: February, 2009

January 29, 2009

PowerPoint presentations made during Session II, “How Can We Improve Quality and Control Growth in Health Spending?” at NASI’s 21st Annual Conference, Social Insurance, Fiscal Responsibility, and Economic Growth.

  • Moderator: Judy Feder, Professor and Dean of Public Policy at the Georgetown Public Policy Institute, Georgetown University
  • Refining and Applying Existing Tools: William Scanlon, Senior Policy Advisor, Health Policy R&D
  • The Role of Delivery System Reform: Jay Crosson, M.D., Senior Medical Director, The Permanente Federation
  • Realigning Incentives to Promote Affordable Quality Care: Joseph Antos, Wilson H. Taylor Scholar in Health Care and Retirement Policy, American Enterprise Institute
  • Path to High Performance – A 2020 Vision and How to Get There: Cathy Schoen, Senior Vice President, The Commonwealth Fund

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