By: Jerry L. Mashaw, Virginia Reno, Richard V. Burkhauser, and Monroe Berkowitz
Published: January, 1997
Proceedings from the December 8-10, 1994 workshop, “Disability, Work and Cash Benefits,” co-sponsored by the National Institute of Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) of the U.S. Department of Education and the National Academy of Social Insurance. The workshop convened some 50-60 of the nations’s leading scholars in disability studies, income security policy, labor economics, and rehabilitation to ecplore the overarching policy question before the workshop: How might we alter public policy to promote employment, where feasible, as well as foster community integration and economic self-sufficiency of working-age Americans who find themselves, through illness, injury, aging, birgh, or environmental barriers, to be counted among the nation’s persons with disabilities.
$42.00 cloth / $25.00 paper / 427 pp. / January 1997
Available through W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research,
call (616) 343-4330