For Immediate Release | January 25, 2017

WASHINGTON, DC— The National Academy of Social Insurance announced the nomination of 59 distinguished social insurance experts to Academy Membership today. (See below for a complete list of nominated individuals and their affiliations.)

Prospective Members are nominated by current Academy Members in recognition of their significant and ongoing professional contributions to the field of social insurance. Academy Members are recognized experts in Social Security, Medicare, Workers’ Compensation, Unemployment Insurance, and related social assistance and private employee benefits. Those selected for Membership have distinguished themselves by improving the quality of research, administration, or policymaking in these areas.  Members make significant contributions to the Academy’s research, education, and leadership development initiatives by volunteering their time on study panels, committees, at conferences, and in participation in other Academy projects.

For more information about Membership in the Academy and a full list of members, visit the “Membership in NASI” section of the Academy’s website (

The National Academy of Social Insurance is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization made up of the nation's leading experts on social insurance. Its mission is to advance solutions to challenges facing the nation by increasing public understanding of how social insurance contributes to economic security.

Individuals nominated to membership and their affiliations at the time of nomination:

Laith Alattar, Social Security Administration

Diane Archer, Just Care USA

David E. Balducchi, U.S. Department of Labor (retired)

Elizabeth Ben-Ishai, Center for Law and Social Policy

Melissa Boteach, Center for American Progress

Ellen Bravo, Family Values @ Work

Jennifer Brown, National Institute on Retirement Security

Stacy B. Cloyd, National Association of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives

Calvin J. Colbert, Gray & Christmas

Stephanie Connolly, Social Security Works

Dan Crippen, National Governor's Association

Yanira Cruz, National Hispanic Council on Aging

Elizabeth Cullen, The Jewish Federations of North America

Giselle Datz, Virginia Tech

Derek B. Dorn, TIAA-CREF

Michael C. Duff, University of Wyoming College of Law

Kathryn Edin, Johns Hopkins University

Jason Fichtner, George Mason University

Merrill A. Friedman, Anthem, Inc.

Katherine Gallagher Robbins, Center for American Progress

Erin M. Godtland, U.S. Government Accountability Office

Rachel Goldberg, B'nai B'rith International

David M. Goldfarb, National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys

Theodore Goldman, American Academy of Actuaries

Michele Grgich, U.S. Government Accountability Office

Erik Hansen, Social Security Administration

Bradley Hardy, American University

Catherine Harvey, AARP

Jae Kennedy, Washington State University

Marianna LaCanfora, Social Security Administration

Adam LaRose, Social Security Administration

Sherry Leiwant, A Better Balance

Helen Levy, University of Michigan

Natalie Lu, Social Security Administration

Lauren M. Luchi, American Federation of Teachers

Aparna Mathur, American Enterprise Institute

Timothy McBride, Washington University

Claire C. McKenna, National Employment Law Project

Royce Min, Social Security Administration

David Moskowitz, Morgan & Morgan

Meg Murray, Association of Community Affiliated Plans

Anya Olsen, Social Security Administration

Suzanne Payne, Social Security Administration

Mark Pearson, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

Ai-jen Poo, National Domestic Workers Union

Ida Rademacher, Aspen Institute

Samara Richardson, Social Security Administration

Christopher Ruhm, University of Virginia

John W. Ruser, Workers Compensation Research Institute

James W. Russell, Portland State University

Vicki Shabo, National Partnership for Women & Families

Sven Sinclair, Social Security Administration

Melissa Spencer, Social Security Administration

Paul Starr, Princeton University

Vernon Steiner, State Compensation Insurance Fund

Alexander Strand, Social Security Administration

Rachel West, Center for American Progress

Susan Wilschke, Social Security Administration

Wesley Yin, UCLA Public Policy & School of Management

The National Academy of Social Insurance is a non-profit, nonpartisan organization made up of the nation’s leading experts on social insurance. Its mission is to advance solutions to challenges facing the nation by increasing public understanding of how social insurance contributes to economic security.

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