For Immediate Release | January 27, 2016

WASHINGTON, DC— The National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI) announced the nomination of 51 distinguished social insurance experts to Academy membership today. (See below for a complete list of nominated individuals and their affiliations.)

Prospective members are nominated by current Academy members in recognition of their significant and ongoing professional contributions to the field of social insurance. Academy members are recognized experts in Social Security, Medicare, workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance, and related social assistance and private employee benefits. Those selected for membership have distinguished themselves by improving the quality of research, administration, or policymaking in these areas.  Members make significant contributions to the Academy’s research, education, and leadership development initiatives by volunteering their time on study panels, committees, at conferences, and in participation in other Academy projects.

For more information about membership in NASI and a full list of members, visit the “About NASI” section of this website.

Individuals nominated to membership and their affiliations at the time of nomination:

Gerard Anderson, Johns Hopkins University

Richard Baron, American Board of International Medicine

Kristen Beronio, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation

Harry Conaway, Employee Benefits Research Institute

Jon Dubin, Rutgers School of Law – Newark

Ian Duncan, University of California – Santa Barbara

Kathryn Edwards, University of Wisconsin – Madison

Edward Ferrigno, Plan Council Sponsor of America

Cristina Firvida, AARP

Abbe Gluck, Yale Law School

Ezra Golberstein, University of Minnesota

Sarah Gollust, University of Minnesota

Kate Goodrich, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Center for Clinical Standards and Quality

Joshua Gotbaum, The Brookings Institution

Elise Gould, Economic Policy Institute

Claire Green, Social Security Advisory Board

Michael Gusmano, The Hastings Center

Elizabeth Hall, Anthem, Inc.

Alexander Hertel-Fernandez, Harvard Univeristy

Gavin Kennedy, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation  

David Kingsley, Kansas University Medical Center

Michael Kreps, Groom Law Group

Kathryn Lang, Justice in Aging

Thomas Lee, Press Ganey

Debra Lipson, Mathematica Policy Research

Anne Lowrey, The New York Times

Janet Lyles, Davis, Murrell & Lyles PA

Daniel MacLauchlan, UnitedHealthcare

Tonya Manning, Buck Consultants

Judith Mares, U.S. Department of Labor

Teresa Mosqueda, Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO

Rebecca Owen, Society of Actuaries

Amie Peters, Blue Water Legal PLLC

Elizabeth Poisson, Poisson, Poisson, and Bower, PLLC

Caroline Popplin, Guttman, Buschner and Brooks, PLLC

Bernard Rosof, Quality in Health Care Advisory Group

Matthew Rutledge, Boston College, Center for Retirement Research

Lew Sandy, UnitedHealth Group

Lisa  Schilling, Society of Actuaries

Casey Schwarz, Medicare Rights Center

Joseph Silvestri, U.S. Government Accountability Office

Joel Solomon, National Education Association

Paula Stannard, Alston & Bird LLP

Aviva Sufian, U.S Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living

Jane Sung, AARP, Public Policy Institute

Marilyn Tavenner, America's Health Insurance Plans

Jim Toole, FTI Consulting

Keith Wailoo, Princeton University

Elisa Walker, Social Security Administration

Julian Zelizer, Princeton University

Sarah Zimmerman, Services Employees International Union

The National Academy of Social Insurance is a non-profit, nonpartisan organization made up of the nation’s leading experts on social insurance. Its mission is to advance solutions to challenges facing the nation by increasing public understanding of how social insurance contributes to economic security.

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