For Immediate Release | May 14, 2007
WASHINGTON, DC – Michel Boudreaux of Minneapolis, Minnesota was named the first-ever Eileen P. Sweeney Intern for Disability Policy by the National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI). Michel is a Masters Degree candidate at the University of Minnesota, School of Public Health. Michel’s professors note that he is a talented researcher and is currently using his skills on two disability-oriented projects: “The Employment of People with Disabilities: an Evaluation of Medicaid Buy-In Using the Current Population Survey,” and “The Relationship Between “Service-Connect” and Substance Abuse.” This summer, in addition to attending NASI’s weekly seminars and presentations by social insurance experts, Michel will work with NASI’s Research Associate Ishita Sengupta on Workers’ Compensation Benefits, Coverage and Costs, a national data report that NASI releases annually.
WASHINGTON, DC – Michel Boudreaux of Minneapolis, Minnesota was named the first-ever Eileen P. Sweeney Intern for Disability Policy by the National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI). Michel is a Masters Degree candidate at the University of Minnesota, School of Public Health. Michel’s professors note that he is a talented researcher and is currently using his skills on two disability-oriented projects: “The Employment of People with Disabilities: an Evaluation of Medicaid Buy-In Using the Current Population Survey,” and “The Relationship Between “Service-Connect” and Substance Abuse.” This summer, in addition to attending NASI’s weekly seminars and presentations by social insurance experts, Michel will work with NASI’s Research Associate Ishita Sengupta on Workers’ Compensation Benefits, Coverage and Costs, a national data report that NASI releases annually. Michel will also work with Senior Fellow Laurel Beedon on how public and private disability insurance and Workers’ Compensation work together.
Eileen Sweeney, who died last year, devoted her life to improving the lives of people with disabilities, children, battered women, the poor, and people over age 65. “Her passion and compassion, her optimism and spirit, and her relentless perseverance and dedication inspired us all,” said colleague Susan Steinmetz, Associate Director of the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities. Eileen was an advocate, mentor, and coalition builder. She coordinated litigation to help the people she thought needed it most. The disability policy internship is sponsored by NASI, in partnership with the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF), and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP), and the many individuals who contributed to the internship fund in Eileen’s memory. For more information on the Eileen Sweeney internship or other NASI student opportunities, visit
The National Academy of Social Insurance is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization made up of the nation’s leading experts on social insurance. Its mission is to promote understanding and informed policymaking on social insurance and related programs through research, public education, training, and the open exchange of ideas.
Social insurance encompasses broad-based systems for insuring workers and their families against economic insecurity caused by loss of income from work and the cost of health care. NASI’s scope covers social insurance such as Social Security; Medicare; workers’ compensation; and unemployment insurance, related public assistance, and private employee benefits.
See related news: Disability, News About NASI