| August 8, 2005

For Immediate Release:
July 21, 2005
Contact: Jill Braunstein, jillbraun@nasi.org
Simona Tudose, studose@nasi.org
phone: (202) 452-8097

WASHINGTON, DC—Marilyn Moon has been elected the eighth president of the National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI), a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization made up of the nation’s leading experts on social insurance. Moon is Vice President and Director of the American Institutes for Research, and is a founding member of NASI.

“With health care financing and reform emerging as the foremost issue in social insurance, NASI is fortunate that Marilyn Moon has agreed to serve as its president. She is one of the most capable and respected national leaders in analysis and commentary on Medicare and other health issues. It is hard to imagine a better match between the issues that NASI and the nation will face in the years ahead and the talents of its new president,” said Henry Aaron, Senior Fellow at The Brookings Institution and NASI Chairman.

Moon is one of the country’s top experts in Medicare and social insurance. She has testified before Congress on issues related to Medicare on many occasions, and has authored and co-authored a large number of research reports and policy briefs on Medicare, poverty, health, income distribution, and long-term care issues. From 1993 to 2001, she wrote a column in The Washington Post answering questions on health care coverage. Recent publications include: A Place at the Table: Women’s Needs and Medicare Reform, published by the Century Foundation; and The Future of Medicare as an Entitlement Program.

Moon has served on a number of boards for non-profit organizations and is currently President of the board of the Medicare Rights Center. A founding member of the National Academy of Social Insurance, Moon has served on its Board of Directors, and the Steering Committee for a multi-year project on “Restructuring Medicare for the Long Term.” Moon also chaired NASI’s Study Panel on Medicare Financing.

Moon served as Public Trustee of the Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds from 1995 to 2000. In the fall of 1989, she served as a consultant to the Pepper Commission. From 1986 to 1989, Moon was Director of the Public Policy Institute at the American Association of Retired Persons. Prior to that, she worked as a Senior Research Associate at the Urban Institute, a Senior Research Analyst at the Congressional Budget Office, and as an Associate Professor of economics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee. She received her Ph.D. in economics from the University of Wisconsin.

Moon succeeds Jerry Mashaw, Sterling Professor of Law and Management at Yale University, who was president of NASI for two years.

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The National Academy of Social Insurance is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization made up of the nation’s leading experts on social insurance. Its mission is to promote understanding and informed policymaking on social insurance and related programs through research, public education, training, and the open exchange of ideas.

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