For Immediate Release | October 22, 2020

In a new compendium, The Future of Social Insurance: Insights From the Pandemic, fourteen top experts on Social Security, Medicare, the economy, labor and workforce issues, retirement, aging, disability and long-term care, describe what we have learned from the pandemic so far. Each reflects on how social insurance programs have come to the aid of millions of Americans during today’s extraordinary economic and health catastrophes, and how policymakers might further strengthen the programs for future crises.

Contributors: Henry Aaron, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution; Nancy Altman, President, Social Security Works; Stuart Altman, Professor, Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University; Karen Davis, Professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Peter Diamond, Professor Emeritus, MIT Department of Economics and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economics; Carroll Estes, Professor Emerita, University of California – San Francisco; Stephen C. Goss, Chief Actuary, Social Security Administration; Theodore Marmor, Professor Emeritus, Yale University School of Management; Marilyn Moon, Institute Fellow Emeritus, American Institutes for Research; Alicia Munnell, Director, Center for Retirement Research, Boston College; Robert Reischauer, President Emeritus, Urban Institute; John Rother, CEO, National Coalition on Health Care; William Spriggs, Chief Economist to the AFL-CIO; and Bruce C. Vladeck, Senior Advisor, Greater New York Hospital Association.

All are previous recipients of the Robert M. Ball Award for Outstanding Achievements in Social Insurance (2004-2019). As recipients of the prestigious Robert M. Ball Award (named after the longest serving commissioner of the Social Security Administration), the contributors represent the highest level of expertise in social insurance and related policy areas. The compendium is part of a 2020 Ball Award: Campaign for Social Insurance, launched by the National Academy of Social Insurance to offer inspiring answers to the question: “What might a new social contract consist of?”

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Since the National Academy of Social Insurance was founded in 1986, it has provided rigorous inquiry and insights into the functioning of our nation’s social insurance programs – Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance, and Workers’ Compensation. Comprised of over 1,000 of the nation’s top experts in social insurance and related policies and programs, the Academy studies how social insurance can continue to meet the changing needs of American families, employees, and employers, including uninsured or underinsured economic risks. To learn more about the Academy’s work, please visit, or follow @socialinsurance on Twitter.

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