For Immediate Release | February 14, 2019
WASHINGTON, DC — The Board of Directors of the National Academy of Social Insurance has approved the election of 45 distinguished social insurance experts to the Academy, adding to the total active Membership of over 1,100. (A complete list of individuals newly-elected to the Academy can be found below.)
“Members are essential to the Academy’s work,” says William Arnone, the Academy’s Chief Executive Officer. “We welcome our newest cohort with great excitement. They bring a wealth of expertise and experience across a range of policy areas that affect every person and family in this nation. We look forward to recognizing their contributions to social insurance policy and engaging their talents in support of the Academy’s mission.”
The Academy advances solutions to challenges facing the nation by increasing public understanding of how social insurance contributes to economic security. This mission encompasses established social insurance programs – Workers’ Compensation, Unemployment Insurance, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid – as well as related policy areas, including long-term services and supports, paid leave, other social assistance programs, and private employee benefits.
"This year's newly-elected Academy Members are among our country's leading reformers, doers, and creative thinkers. Their work focuses on the practical challenges of how we protect each other when faced with life's financial and health hardships that are difficult to handle alone. In addition to longstanding programs like Social Security, Medicare and unemployment insurance, they also address how we tackle increasingly important issues, such as paid family leave. ” – Shaun O’Brien, Membership Committee Chair
Those elected to Membership in the Academy have distinguished themselves by improving the quality of research, administration, or policymaking in an area of social insurance. Academy Members make significant contributions to the Academy’s research, education, and leadership development initiatives by volunteering their time on study panels, committees, at conferences and in other Academy programs.
Prospective Members are nominated by current Academy Members in recognition of their significant and ongoing professional contributions to the field of social insurance. For more information about Membership in the Academy and a full list of active Members, please visit the “Membership in NASI” section of the Academy’s website (
Individuals elected to Membership and their affiliations at the time of nomination:
Eileen Appelbaum
Center for Economic Policy Research
Charles Barrilleaux
Florida State University
Romina Boccia
The Heritage Foundation
Kyle Burkhalter
Social Security Administration
Joel Cantor
Rutgers University
Anne Case
Princeton University
Amitabh Chandra
Harvard Kennedy School
Angus Deaton
Princeton University
Marcus Dillender
W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Tammy Dixon
Segal Consulting
Camille Dobson
National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities
Patricia Gabow
Denver Health
Ben Gitis
American Action Forum
Kali Grant
Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality
Kathy Greenlee
Greenlee Global, LLC
Tracey Gronniger
Justice in Aging
Kristina Hamilton
UDW/AFSCME Local 3930
Dan Hawkins
Association of Community Health Centers
Tara O'Neill Hayes
American Action Forum
Amy Herr
West Health Policy Center
Hilary Hoynes
University of California, Berkeley
Abbie Hudgens
Tennessee Bureau of Workers' Compensation
Elisabeth Jacobs
Washington Center for Equitable Growth
Kathleen Kennedy Townsend
Economic Policy Institute
Desmond King
Nuffield College, Oxford University
David Laibson
Harvard University
Margie Lariviere
State Compensation Insurance Fund
Nicole Maestas
Harvard Medical School
Victor Miller
Economic and Management Consulting
Stipica Mudrazija
Urban Institute
Kathleen Mullen
RAND Corporation
Nicole Nestoriak
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Amanda Ream
United Domestic Workers, AFSCME
Eveka Rodriguez
Grant Thornton LLP
Martha Roherty
National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities
Matt Salo
National Association of Medicaid Directors
Richard Scheffler
UC Berkeley School of Public Health
Lauren Schmitz
National Institute on Aging
Sara Sills
Medicaid Branch, Office of Management and Budget
Katrinka Sloan
Michael Stephens
Social Security Administration
Aaron Tripp
Mark Walls
Safety National Casualty Corporation
Richard Wharton
Social Security Administration
James Ziliak
University of Kentucky, Center for Poverty Research
The National Academy of Social Insurance is a non-profit, nonpartisan organization made up of the nation’s leading experts on social insurance. Its mission is to advance solutions to challenges facing the nation by increasing public understanding of how social insurance contributes to economic security.
See related news: News About NASI