For Immediate Release | March 4, 2010

WASHINGTON, DC— The National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI) announced the election of 60 distinguished new members, bringing the total active membership to over 800.  (See below for a complete list of new members and their affiliations.)
Academy members are recognized experts in Social Security, Medicare, workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance, and related social assistance and private employee benefits. Those selected for membership have distinguished themselves by improving the quality of research, administration, or policymaking in these areas. Members of the Academy volunteer their time to work on study panels, committees, conferences, talk to the media, and participate in other Academy projects.
Prospective members are nominated by current members and reviewed by a membership committee and invited by the Academy’s Board of Directors. For more information on NASI membership, visit the “About NASI” section of the NASI website (
The National Academy of Social Insurance is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization made up of the nation’s leading experts on social insurance. Its mission is to promote understanding and informed policymaking on social insurance and related programs through research, public education, training, and the open exchange of ideas.
Newly elected members and their affiliations:
Anne Alstott, Harvard Law School
Dan Bertoni, U.S.Government Accountability Office
Jill Braunstein, National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI)
Terry Buss, Carnegie Mellon University
Ashley Carson, OWL
Aaron Catlin, Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Judy Chesser, Social Security Administration
Jonathan Cohn, The New Republic

Michael Collins, U.S. Government Accountability Office
Rowland Davis, RMD Pensions Consulting, Inc.
Susan Dentzer, Health Affairs
Thomas Domer, Domer Law
Bryan Dowd, University of Minnesota
Irena Dushi, Social Security Administration
Andrew Eschtruth, Center for Retirement Research at Boston College
Karen Friedman, Pension Rights Center
Karen Glenn, Social Security Administration
Marsha Gold, Mathematica Policy Research
Debra Golding, U.S. Department of Labor
Marc Goldwein, The New America Foundation
Steve Gorin, Plymouth State University
Thomas R. Hefty, Blue Cross Blue Shield United of Wisconsin (Retired)
Christopher Howard, College of William & Mary
Andrew Hyman, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Leonard Jernigan, Jr., The Jernigan Law Firm
Avis Jones-DeWeever, Institute for Women’s Policy Research
Ethan Kra, Mercer
Sarah Lenz Lock, AARP
Mike Manley, State of Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services
Kenneth Mannella, Social Security Administration
Karen Matsuoka, Office of Management and Budget
Warren McGillivray, Caledon Institute of Social Policy
Sean McNally, Grimmway Farms
Mark Merlis, Consultant
William A. Morrill, Caliber Associates/ICF Consulting
Janemarie Mulvey, Congressional Research Service
Sally Natchek, International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans
Diane Oakley, U.S. House of Representatives
Kieke G.H. Okma, NYU Wagner School of Public Service
David Pattison, Social Security Administration
Sallyanne Payton, University of Michigan
Yvonne Perret, Advocacy and Training Center
Andrew Peterson, Society of Actuaries
Mary Ann Phillips, Social Security Administration (Retired)
John Phillips, Social Security Administration
Mark Priven, Bickmore Risk Services
Barbara J. Robles, Arizona State University
Michael C. Rogers, Medstar Health
Kathleen Romig, Congressional Research Service
Raymond C. Scheppach, National Governors’ Association
Robert D. Shapiro, The Shapiro Network, Inc.
Mauricio Soto, The Urban Institute
Andrew Stettner, National Employment Law Project
Eileen Tell, Long Term Care Group
Frank Todisco, American Academy of Actuaries
Mark Ugoretz, The ERISA Industry Committee (ERIC)
Ben Washington, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
David Weaver, Social Security Administration
Elliott K. Wicks, Health Management Associates

Ludmila Zawistowich, Patton Boggs LLP

The National Academy of Social Insurance is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization made up of the nation’s leading experts on social insurance. Its mission is to promote understanding of how social insurance contributes to economic security and a vibrant economy.

See related news: News About NASI

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