Frederick Kilbourne

Frederick Kilbourne has worked as an independent consulting actuary since 1964.

Frederick Kilbourne has worked as an independent consulting actuary since 1964. The practice was incorporated as TheKilbourne Company in July 1990. His work over recent years has included expert testimony in large insurance cases, annual reviews of insurance and employee benefit programs, and special actuarial projects. His clients have included American International Group, Bank of America, California Hospital Association, California Insurance Department, California Medical Association, California State Bar, California State Employees Association, California State Fund, Ford Foundation, General Motors, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Levi Strauss, National Football League, the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Stanford Research Institute, Swiss Reinsurance Company, Texas Employers Insurance Association, University of California, Vision Service Plan, and many others.

Frederick Kilbourne has worked as an independent consulting actuary since 1964. The practice was incorporated as TheKilbourne Company in July 1990. His work over recent years has included expert testimony in large insurance cases, annual reviews of insurance and employee benefit programs, and special actuarial projects. His clients have included American International Group, Bank of America, California Hospital Association, California Insurance Department, California Medical Association, California State Bar, California State Employees Association, California State Fund, Ford Foundation, General Motors, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Levi Strauss, National Football League, the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Stanford Research Institute, Swiss Reinsurance Company, Texas Employers Insurance Association, University of California, Vision Service Plan, and many others.

“Fred Kilbourne has an extensive career as an actuary who has evaluated the financial soundness of a number of state workers' compensation programs. His current contribution is as a public overseer of the California program, a daunting challenge given the rapid pace of developments in that program,” said John Burton, former Chair of the Workers' Compensation Steering Committee.

Along with being a founding member of National Academy of Social Insurance, he is also a member of the American Academy of Actuaries and the American Society of Pension Actuaries, and is a Fellow of Canadian Institute of Actuaries, Casualty Actuarial Society, Conference of Consulting Actuaries, and Society of Actuaries. He has testified many times in a court of law, before legislative bodies, and at administrative hearings.

Prior to establishing his own firm, Fred was a Managing Director of Mercer, and developed their insurance actuarial division, building the practice to more than a dozen life and casualty actuaries in three offices. Earlie he was the President of Booz Allen Consulting Actuaries, where he established the actuarial division for the parent management consulting firm, directed projects in all lines of actuarial work, and participated in several major management consulting assignments in the insurance industry. Previously he was a Principal at Milliman, where he established their casualty actuarial practice.

Frederick Kilbourne has worked as an independent consulting actuary since 1964. The practice was incorporated as The Kilbourne Company in July 1990. His work over recent years has included expert testimony in large insurance cases, annual reviews of insurance and employee benefit programs, and special actuarial projects. His clients have included American International Group, Bank of America, California Hospital Association, California Insurance Department, California Medical Association, California State Bar, California State Employees Association, California State Fund, Ford Foundation, General Motors, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Levi Strauss, National Football League, the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Stanford Research Institute, Swiss Reinsurance Company, Texas Employers Insurance Association, University of California, Vision Service Plan, and many others.

Frederick Kilbourne has worked as an independent consulting actuary since 1964. The practice was incorporated as The Kilbourne Company in July 1990. His work over recent years has included expert testimony in large insurance cases, annual reviews of insurance and employee benefit programs, and special actuarial projects. His clients have included American International Group, Bank of America, California Hospital Association, California Insurance Department, California Medical Association, California State Bar, California State Employees Association, California State Fund, Ford Foundation, General Motors, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Levi Strauss, National Football League, the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Stanford Research Institute, Swiss Reinsurance Company, Texas Employers Insurance Association, University of California, Vision Service Plan, and many others.

“Fred Kilbourne has an extensive career as an actuary who has evaluated the financial soundness of a number of state workers' compensation programs. His current contribution is as a public overseer of the California program, a daunting challenge given the rapid pace of developments in that program,” said John Burton, former Chair of the Workers' Compensation Steering Committee.

Along with being a founding member of National Academy of Social Insurance, he is also a member of the American Academy of Actuaries and the American Society of Pension Actuaries, and is a Fellow of Canadian Institute of Actuaries, Casualty Actuarial Society, Conference of Consulting Actuaries, and Society of Actuaries. He has testified many times in a court of law, before legislative bodies, and at administrative hearings.

Prior to establishing his own firm, Fred was a Managing Director of Mercer, and developed their insurance actuarial division, building the practice to more than a dozen life and casualty actuaries in three offices. Earlie he was the President of Booz Allen Consulting Actuaries, where he established the actuarial division for the parent management consulting firm, directed projects in all lines of actuarial work, and participated in several major management consulting assignments in the insurance industry. Previously he was a Principal at Milliman, where he established their casualty actuarial practice.

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