Social Security

Social Insurance during the Pandemic: Successes, Shortcomings, and Policy Options for the Future
The COVID-19 Task Force Policy Translation Working Group
June 26, 2023
Pathways to Economic Security Toolkit

September 9, 2022
Social Security Benefits, Finances, and Policy Options: A Primer
National Academy of Social Insurance
September 1, 2021
“Building Back Better” for Older and Disabled Americans Requires Bringing Supplemental Security Income (SSI) into the 21st Century
Rebecca Vallas
July 16, 2021
Understanding COVID-19’s Outcomes and Possible Trajectory: Implications for Social Insurance Programs
Neil R. Powe, Bethany Cole, William J. Arnone, and Fay Lomax Cook for the Epidemiology Working Group
May 31, 2021
Social Security Benefits, Finances, and Policy Options: A Primer
National Academy of Social Insurance
August 14, 2020
Social Security Finances: Findings of the 2020 Trustees Report
William Arnone and Jay Patel
May 14, 2020
Enhancing Social Security and Improving Retirement Security: Four Innovative Proposals

December 18, 2019
Creating a Federal Auto IRA and Enhancing Social Security Longevity Data
Sarah Holmes Berk
December 12, 2019
State Supplemental Social Security
John Burbank, Economic Opportunity Institute; Aaron Keating, Economic Opportunity Institute
December 12, 2019
Bridge Benefit for Older Workers
Christian Weller, Rebecca Vallas, and Stephanie Lessing
December 12, 2019
Enhancing Social Security and Improving Retirement Security: Four Innovative Proposals

December 12, 2019
Social Security Early Commencement Benefits
Elizabeth Bauer
December 12, 2019
Social Security Finances: Findings of the 2019 Trustees Report
William Arnone and Griffin Murphy
April 29, 2019
Assured Income
William J. Arnone, Peter Barnes, and Renée M. Landers, Griffin T. Murphy, Research Assistant
March 14, 2019
Social Security Policy Innovations Challenge: Ensuring Adequacy for Workers

February 7, 2019
Social Security and Independent Contractors: Challenges and Opportunities
Elliot Schreur and Benjamin Veghte
June 28, 2018
Improving Social Security Coverage and Retirement Benefits for Independent Contractors
Elliot Schreur and Benjamin Veghte
June 25, 2018
Social Security Finances: Findings of the 2018 Trustees Report
Elliot Schreur and Benjamin W. Veghte
June 5, 2018
Retirement (In)Security for Today’s Workers
William J. Arnone
August 8, 2017
Social Security Finances: Findings of the 2017 Trustees Report
Elliot Schreur and Benjamin W. Veghte
July 13, 2017
Social Security Finances: Findings of the 2017 Trustees Report
Elliot Schreur and Benjamin W. Veghte
July 13, 2017
No Jargon Podcast: 21st Century Social Safety Net
Benjamin Veghte via Scholars Strategy Network
May 17, 2017
Report to the New Leadership and the American People on Social Insurance and Inequality
Benjamin W. Veghte, Elliot Schreur, and Alexandra L. Bradley (eds.)
January 25, 2017
Overcoming Barriers to Retirement Security for Women: The Role of Social Security
By Joan Entmacher, Mikki Waid, and Benjamin W. Veghte
December 13, 2016
Social Security and the Racial Wealth Gap
Benjamin W. Veghte, Elliot Schreur, and Mikki Waid
December 8, 2016
BRIEF: One System, Two Funds, Three Insurance Protections
Elliot Schreur and Benjamin Veghte
November 22, 2016
INFOGRAPHIC: Social Security: One System, Two Funds, Three Insurance Protections
Elliot Schreur and Benjamin Veghte
November 22, 2016
INFOGRAPHIC: It Pays to Talk

November 4, 2016
Short Answers to Common Questions about Social Security

August 17, 2016
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