Brian Smedley
Brian Smedley
2012 Conference Speaker
Margaret  C Simms
Margaret C Simms
2012 Conference Co-Chair
James Roosevelt, Jr.
James Roosevelt, Jr.
2012 Conference Co-Chair
Wayne  Vroman
Wayne Vroman
Unemployment Insurance Distinguished Honoree - The Academy at 25: Celebrating Milestones and Envisioning the Future of Social Insurance
Virginia Reno
Virginia Reno
Social Security Distinguished Honoree - the Academy at 25: Celebrating Milestones and Envisioning the Future of Social Insurance
Sheila Burke
Sheila Burke
Health Policy Distinguished Honoree - The Academy at 25: Celebrating Milestones and Envisioning the Future of Social Insurance
James N. Ellenberger
James N. Ellenberger
Workers’ Compensation Distinguished Honoree - The Academy at 25: Celebrating Milestones and Envisioning the Future of Social Insurance
Marty Ford
Marty Ford
Disability Policy Distinguished Honoree - The Academy at 25: Celebrating Milestones and Envisioning the Future of Social Insurance
Lawrence R. Jacobs
Lawrence R. Jacobs
Co-Chair of the Academy's 23rd Annual Conference
Avis Jones-DeWeever
Avis Jones-DeWeever
Co-Chair of the Academy's 23rd Annual Conference

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