John Heinz Dissertation Award
Established in 1993 with support from Teresa Heinz and the Heinz Family Foundation, the John Heinz Dissertation Award is designed to recognize outstanding doctoral research by new scholars addressing social insurance policy questions. It is one of several Academy programs designed to attract talented individuals to the field of social insurance and encourage the development of new administrators, scholars, and other professionals.
Latest from Former Heinz Dissertation Award Winners
David Autor and Michael Stepner
Michael Stepner, who completed his PhD in economics at MIT, received the Academy’s 2020 John Heinz Dissertation Award for his “Essays on Health and Social Insurance.” Later in 2020, Academy Member David Autor, MIT Ford Professor of Economics and one of Stepner’s dissertation advisors, was recognized by the Heinz Family Foundation with a special 25th Anniversary Heinz Award. The Academy’s Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Fay Lomax Cook, spoke with both scholars to learn more about their work on inequality and social insurance, their influence on each other, and big research questions for the future given the impact of COVID-19.

Kerwin Charles
1997 Heinz Dissertation Award Winner

Manasi Deshpande
2016 Heinz Dissertation Award Winner
In addition, we interviewed Manasi after she won the Heinz Award in 2016; click here to read more about her insights on the Award.

Jacob Hacker
2002 Heinz Dissertation Award Winner
Jacob Hacker’s most recent book, co-authored with Paul Pierson, Let Them Eat Tweets: How the Right Rules in an Age of Extreme Inequality, hit shelves last summer (2020). The book “addresses the question of how right-wing Republicans have gained and maintained their power despite the fact that their policies result in extreme – and increasing – economic and social inequality” (Booklist review).
You can read more about Jacob Hacker here, and purchase the book here.

Isabel M. Perera
2019 Heinz Dissertation Award Winner

Sebastian Tello-Trillo
2018 Heinz Dissertation Award Winner
Sebastian Tello-Trillo is an Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Economics at the Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy at the University of Virginia. His research focuses on health policy in the U.S and Latin America, specifically understanding how policies affect individuals’ health behaviors and economic outcomes. He recently shared his thoughts on the Supreme Court’s decision on the ACA and its policy implications, check out an article and the video.
Learn more about Sebastian’s background and research here.
About the Heinz Dissertation Committee
Members of the Heinz Dissertation Award Committee are Academy Members who volunteer to read the dissertations of annual nominations and select the winning dissertation for its contribution to the body of knowledge on social insurance, the policy relevance of the findings, the quality of the analysis, and the clarity of the exposition. Many of the members of the committee are former winners of the Dissertation Award themselves.

Shekinah Fashaw-Walters Receives 2022 John Heinz Dissertation Award

Senator John Heinz and the Academy
The 2022 John Heinz Dissertation Award
About the Heinz Foundation
Led by Teresa Heinz, the Heinz Family Foundation and the Heinz Endowments concentrates a significant portion of their energies on educating the people who influence social policy areas of women’s economic opportunities, environment, arts, education, human health and aging, and cultural and societal enrichment.
The Academy thanks Teresa Heinz and the Heinz Family Foundation for its ongoing support of the John Heinz Dissertation Award program at the National Academy of Social Insurance.