Medicare and Health Policy

Enhancing Functioning and Quality of Life Under Medicare
Robert L. Kane, M.D., and Rosalie A. Kane
December 1, 2001
Costs and Financing of Medicare Enrollees Living with HIV/AIDS in California
June Eichner and James G. Kahn
August 30, 2001
Coordination of Health Coverage for Medicare Enrollees: A Case Study of HIV/AIDS
June Eichner
July 30, 2001
Recent Trends in Retiree Health Benefits and The Role of COBRA Coverage
Paul Fronstin and Virginia Reno
June 1, 2001
Ensuring Health and Income Security for an Aging Workforce
Peter P. Budetti, Richard V. Burkhauser, Janice M. Gregory, and H. Allan Hunt (eds.)
January 30, 2001
Health Insurance Coverage of People in the Ten Years Before Medicare Eligibility
Katherine Swartz and Betsey Stevenson
January 30, 2001
Reflections on Implementing Medicare (Second Edition)
Michael Gluck and Virgnina Reno (eds.)
Study Panel on Medicare Management and Governance
January 30, 2001
Ensuring Health and Income Security for an Aging Workforce
Virginia Reno and June Eichner
December 30, 2000
Financing Medicare’s Future
Michael Gluck and Marilyn Moon (eds.)
Final Report of the Study Panel on Medicare's Long Term Financing
September 30, 2000
Disability, Health and Retirement Age: Challenges for Social Security Policy

September 22, 2000
Social Security and Medicare: Individual versus Collective Risk and Responsibility
Sheila Burke, Eric Kingson, and Uwe Reinhardt (eds.)
January 30, 2000
Restructuring Medicare: Next Steps
Jill Bernstein and Robert D. Reischauer (eds.)
Report of the Medicare Steering Committee
January 30, 2000
Supplemental Health Insurance for Medicare Beneficiaries
Thomas Rice and Jill Bernstein
November 30, 1999
The Financing Needs of a Restructured Medicare Program
Members of the National Academy of Social Insurance Study Panel on Medicare Financing
September 30, 1999
The Economic Status of the Elderly
Robert L. Clark and Joseph F. Quinn
May 30, 1999
Should Higher Income Beneficiaries Pay More For Medicare?
Jill Bernstein
May 30, 1999
Individualizing Medicare
Deborah J. Chollet
May 30, 1999
A Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit
Michael E. Gluck
April 30, 1999
Medicare and the American Social Contract
Final Report of the Study Panel on Medicare's Larger Social Role
February 28, 1999
Medicare Today and Tomorrow: Views from California

February 4, 1999
Structuring Medicare Choices
Final Report of the Study Panel on Capitation and Choice
April 30, 1998
Medicare: Preparing for the Challenges of the 21st Century
Robert D. Reischauer, Stuart Butler, and Judith R. Lave (eds.)
January 30, 1998
From a Generation Behind to a Generation Ahead: Transforming Traditional Medicare
Final Report of the Study Panel on Fee-for-Service Medicare
January 30, 1998
Securing Medicare’s Future: What are the Issues?
Interim Report of the Medicare Steering Committee
March 30, 1997
Disability: Challenges for Social Insurance, Health Care Financing and The Labor Market
Virginia P. Reno, Jerry L. Mashaw, and Bill Gradison (eds.)
January 30, 1997
Social Welfare Policy at the Crossroads: Rethinking the Roles of Social Insurance, Tax Expenditures, Mandates and Means-Testing
Robert B. Friedland, Lynn M. Etheredge, and Bruce C. Vladek, eds.
December 31, 1994
National Health Reform: What Should the State Role Be?
Forrest P. Chisman, Lawrence D. Brown, and Pamela J. Larson, eds.
September 30, 1994
Security for America’s Children
Paul N. Van de Water and Lisbeth B. Schorr, eds.
December 31, 1992
Social Insurance Issues for the Nineties
Paul N. Van de Water, ed.
January 31, 1992
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