April 4, 2008

    A policy briefing on Friday, April 4, 2008

    Each year the Social Security Trustees update the short-range (10 year) and long-range (75 year) projection for the Social Security trust funds to provide policymakers with the best information to assess Social Security’s long-range finances. The 2008 Trustees’ report will reflect updates of data, assumptions and methods since last year. The Social Security Chief Actuary will describe the results and three discussants will offer perspectives on how to frame future Social Security policy options in light of these projections.

    • What’s New in 2008?
      Stephen C. Goss, Chief Actuary, SSA
    • Balancing Social Security Finances
      Nancy J. Altman, Consultant
    • Social Security and Personal Saving
      Lisa Mensah, Executive Director, Aspen Institute Initiative on Financial Security
    • Social Security and the Budget
      C. Eugene Steuerle, Senior Fellow, Urban Institute
    • Moderator
      Joni Lavery, Income Security Research Associate, NASI

    NASI’s new brief, Social Security Finances: Findings of the 2008 Trustees Report, will be available at the event.

    This event is part of the Robert M. Ball Living Legacy Series, which furthers the ideals of NASI’s founding chair, who died in January 2008. The series promotes social insurance as a means to achieve economic justice and security for American workers and families. Funding for this event is provided by The Ford Foundation.