June 13, 2007
Join us on June 13, 2007 in honoring Henry Aaron, the Bruce and Virginia MacLaury Senior Fellow at The Brookings Institution, as the 2007 recipient of the Robert M. Ball Award for Outstanding Achievements in Social Insurance.
Join us on June 13, 2007 in honoring Henry Aaron, the Bruce and Virginia MacLaury Senior Fellow at The Brookings Institution, as the 2007 recipient of the Robert M. Ball Award for Oustanding Achievements in Social Insurance.
Each year, the Robert M. Ball award is presented to an individual whose recent work has made a significant impact on the U.S. social insurance system. Selection Criteria:
- Innovation in changing, educating about or otherwise furthering public understanding and informed policy-making in a specific area of social insurance; and
- Effectiveness in deepening public understanding, fostering collaboration, informing policy, implementing policy, or teaching others about social insurance.
The award honors Robert M. Ball, who served as Commissioner of Social Security from 1962 to 1973, and has been an important participant in every Social Security development of the past 60 years. As the Founding Chair of the National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI), he continues to serve as unofficial advisor to many policy-makers while also writing and advising on Social Security, Medicare, national health insurance, and welfare.
The 2007 Robert M. Ball Event Committee
Robert D. Reischauer, The Urban Institute (Co-Chair)
Margaret C. Simms, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies (Co-Chair)
Barry P. Bosworth, The Brookings Institution
Gary T. Burtless, The Brookings Institution
Stuart M. Butler, The Heritage Foundation
Melissa A. Cox, Yale University Law School
Peter A. Diamond, MIT
David T. Ellwood, Harvard University
William G. Gale, The Brookings Institution
Harvey Galper, BearingPoint, Inc.
Bob Greenstein, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Edward F. Howard, Alliance for Health Reform
John Iglehart, Health Affairs
Wendell J. Knox, Abt Associates
Jeanne Lambrew, George Washington University
Chris O’Flinn, The Elm Income Group
Joseph P. Newhouse, Harvard University
Peter R. Orszag, Congressional Budget Office
Patricia Owens, NASI Board of Directors
John Rother, AARP
Gerald M. Shea, AFL-CIO
Kathleen Elliot Yinug, The Brookings Institution
Previous Winners of the Robert M. Ball Award:
(2006) Monroe Berkowitz, Rutgers University
(2005) Bruce C. Vladeck, then Principal at Ernst & Young
(2004) Stephen C. Goss, Social Security’s Chief Actuary
For a complete list of the benefits of sponsoring the 2007 Robert M. Ball Award Reception, review the Sponsorship Benefits List. If you prefer to respond via fax or snail mail, simply print out the Response Form
and either fax it or snail mail it to the NASI office.