January 27 – January 28, 2005
NASI’s 17th Annual Conference
Conference Co-Chairs:
Linda E. Fishman, Hogan & Hartson, LLP
Michael Hash, Health Policy Alternatives, Inc.
John Iglehart, Health Affairs
Medicare Modernization in a Polarized Environment: Facing the Challenges will focus on key issues in the implementation of the Medicare Modernization Act (MMA), including the prescription drug benefit, future of the Medicare Advantage program, implications of the MMA on social insurance principles, challenges of serving low-income beneficiaries, impact of health savings accounts, payment incentives for quality care, and many others.
The conference features a number of prominent speakers, such as:
Newt Gingrich (Founder, Center for Health Transformation and Former Speaker (1994-1998), U.S. House of Representatives) ~ Mark McClellan, M.D. (Administrator, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) ~ Bruce Vladeck (Principal, Ernst & Young, LLP and Former Administrator (1993-1997), Health Care Financing Administration) ~ Nancy-Ann DeParle (Senior Advisor, JPMorgan Partners, LLC and Former Administrator (1997-2000), Health Care Financing Administration ~ Tom Scully (Senior Counsel, Alston & Bird, LLP and Former Administrator (2001-2003), Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)~ Lester Crawford (Acting Commissioner, U.S. Food and Drug Administration) ~ Barrett Toan (Chairman and CEO, Express Scripts) ~ Lois Quam (CEO, Ovations, A UnitedHealth Group Company) ~ Karen Davis (President, The Commonwealth Fund) ~ Drew Altman (President and CEO, Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation) ~ and many more.
The new conference format includes concurrent sessions to explore multiple issues; plated lunches, and more networking opportunities. NASI is also pleased to announce a collaboration on this conference with the journal Health Affairs.
Many of the presentations made at this event are available online by clicking here.