Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Kaiser Family Foundation ■ Barbara Jordan Conference Center
1330 G Street, NW ■ Washington, DC
9:00am WELCOME
9:15am OPENING SESSION – Why is Social Security Important?
Why is Social Security relevant and important to younger generations?
- Alexander Hertel-Fernandez, Harvard University and co-author of A Young Person’s Guide to Social Security
- Jaia Lent, Generations United
9:45am SESSION I – Social Security: How Does it Work?
Social Security is a multifaceted program with a variety of benefits. Who pays for Social Security and who receives benefits? How important are Social Security benefits for people with disabilities? What are the implications, if any, of Social Security on the budget?
- Kathleen Romig, Social Security Administration
- T.J. Sutcliffe, The Arc
- Mikki Waid, AARP Public Policy Institute
11:05am SESSION II – Social Security: How Big is the Financing Problem, and How Can We Pay for What We Want?
The Social Security program is running surpluses in the near term, but deficits in the long term. Why is the program out of balance and how big is the shortfall? What are some solutions for closing the long-term funding gap and, if we choose, paying for improved benefits?
- Stephen C. Goss, Chief Actuary, Social Security Administration
- Elisa A. Walker, National Academy of Social Insurance
- Jasmine V. Tucker, National Academy of Social Insurance
12:00pm LUNCH
12:25pm POLICY EXERCISE (PART A) – Building Your Solution for Social Security
Experts have debated solutions to Social Security’s financing for years. What solutions would you choose to solve the issues of solvency and adequacy of Social Security?
1:20pm POLICY EXERCISE (PART B) – Sharing Your Solution for Social Security?
Hold your own policy briefing. Discuss your solutions for solving the long-term issues of Social Security financing.
2:00pm SESSION III – Unfiltered: Straight Talk on Social Security
The Social Security program has been debated almost since its inception. This session will explore two different perspectives on the current state of the Social Security program and its future.
- Alex Lawson, Social Security Works
- Romina Boccia, Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation
3:00pm CLOSING SESSION – Now What? How Can I Use This Information and Experience?
Now that you have learned the ins and outs of the Social Security program, what can young people do now to get involved in the policy process?
- Valerie Rawlston Wilson, National Urban League Policy Institute
- Allegra Baider, Center for Community Change
- Zach Schechter-Steinberg, Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions