Elaine Weiss, Policy Director
The Planning Committee has been hard at work! In addition to Academy Policy Analyst Griffin Murphy’s interview with Professor John Burton, Committee members are involved in several events marking the 50th anniversary that will offer insights and opportunities to learn.
Why it matters: Fifty years after the bipartisan Commission’s report revealed 19 high-priority policy suggestions, including potential federal intervention, state WC laws remain weak and disparate. With no federal standards or oversight, many injured and ill workers lack the protection they need.
On March 4, The ABA Workers’ Compensation and Employers’ Liability conference in New Orleans will open with a panel on the 50th Anniversary, featuring James Gallen.
On March 5, John Burton will mark the 50th anniversary with an address to the College of Workers’ Compensation Lawyers.
Planning Committee members are working with WCRI President John Ruser to develop a highlighted session at the WCRI annual conference March 16-17 in Boston.
Glenn Shor is leading a session on the 50th anniversary featuring several Planning Committee members for the annual conference of the California Division of Workers’ Compensation, in late March.
April 23: John Ruser of WCRI and Alan Pierce will discuss WC’s past and future at the WILG spring conference in Washington, DC.
April 26: Workers’ Compensation judge Dave Torrey will be presenting on the 50th anniversary at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Workers’ Compensation Professionals in Sarasota, Florida.
Alan Pierce will also be speaking at an August event in Tennessee, with details still being worked out.
Learn more: Workers’ Compensation judge Dave Torrey has compiled a “library” of seminal research on the Commission. Check it out here!
Get involved: On behalf of the committee, WC lawyer James Gallen invites all those interested in participating to contact a member of the committee. Find more information here.