This free policy seminar drew a large audience of economists, political scientists, social scientists, advocates, and researchers to hear from Nobel-prize-winning economist Robert Solow and other key speakers; engage in broad-ranging discussions of the future of social insurance; and explore innovative ways to strengthen Social Security for future generations.
1:30pm Welcoming Remarks: Janice Gregory, President, NASI
1:40pm Sustaining a Shared Future through Social Insurance
As more risks are shifted to individuals, is social insurance in danger of becoming obsolete – or is it more essential than ever? What would it take to strengthen the role of social insurance in contributing to the common good?
Reflections by Robert M. Solow, Institute Professor Emeritus of Economics, MIT, and Winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, 1987
- Stephen C. Goss, Chief Actuary of Social Security
- Michael Graetz, Columbia Alumni Professor of Tax Law and Wilbur H. Friedman Professor of Tax Law, Columbia Law School
- Jacob Hacker, Director of the Institution for Social and Policy Studies and Stanley B. Resor Professor of Political Science, Yale University
- Debra Whitman, Executive Vice President for Policy, Strategy and International Affairs, AARP
Moderator: Lisa Mensah, Executive Director, Aspen Initiative on Financial Security
3:00pm Break
3:15pm Social Security for Boomers and Beyond – panel discussion
Will Social Security be adequate for boomers and the generations that follow? What would it take to fully finance Social Security? What would it take to modernize its benefits for the demographics of today and tomorrow? Recent reports offer new answers.
Valerie Rawlston Wilson, Vice President of Research, National Urban League Policy Institute
Plan for a New Future: The Impact of Social Security Reform on People of Color
Heidi Hartmann, President, Institute for Women’s Policy Research
Boomer Women and Social Security - Breaking the Social Security Glass Ceiling: A Proposal to Modernize Women's Benefits
Webster Phillips, Senior Legislative Representative, National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare
Some Ways to Pay for Social Security with Improvements
Moderator: Janice Gregory, President, NASI
4:30pm Adjourn
Following the policy seminar, attendees joined NASI for an evening reception honoring Robert D. Reischauer, recipient of the 2012 Robert M. Ball Award.
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