January 25 – January 26, 1996
NASI 8th Annual Conference
The conference highlighted the findings and recommendations of the Academy’s Disability Policy Panel, based on its in-depth review of Social Security disability programs. It also considered issues in Medicare and Medicaid for persons with disabilities and examined new developments n Workers’ Compensation in both cash and health care benefits. Experts from around the country discussed these issues in light of budget constraints and new demands placed on disability support programs as well as the challenges faced by workers with disabilities, employers, and insurers in today’s rapidly-changing labor market.
Conference Co-chairs:
The Honorable Bill Gradison
Health Insurance Association of America
Jerry L. Mashaw
Yale University and Chair of the NASI Disability Policy Panel
A book of published proceedings, Disability: Challenges for Social Insurance, Health Care Financing and the Labor Market, edited by Virginia P. Reno, Jerry L. Mashaw, and Bill Gradison, is available through the Brookings Institution Press at 800-275-1447.