| March 26, 2002
For Immediate Release: March 26, 2002
Contact: Jill Braunstein, (202) 452-8097
WASHINGTON, DC—Experts on Social Security and Medicare are available to comment on the implications of the 2002 Trustees Reports immediately following their release. All experts listed below are members of the National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI).
NASI is a nonpartisan organization made up of the nation’s leading experts on Social Security, Medicare, and other programs. The Academy does not lobby or take positions on policy issues. Individual members have diverse views and do not represent the official position(s) of the Academy.
An explanatory brief, Social Security Finances: Findings of the 2002 Trustees Report, is available on the Academy’s website at www.nasi.org. A new Brief on Social Insurance for Survivors: Family Benefits from Social Security and Workers’ Compensation, is also posted on the NASI website.
Social Security Experts
Kenneth S. Apfel
(512) 471-6267
Former Commissioner of Social Security and
Dean, LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas–Austin
Robert M. Ball
(703) 768-3438
Former Commissioner of Social Security
Kilolo Kijakazi
(202) 408-1080
Senior Policy Advisor, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
email: kijakazi@cbpp.org
Alicia H. Munnell
(617) 552-1762
Professor of Management Sciences, Boston College and
Former member, Council of Economic Advisors
e-mail: munnell@bc.edu
Robert J. Myers
(301) 588-1335
Former Chief Actuary, Social Security Administration
Bruce D. Schobel
(212) 576-6807
Corporate Vice President and Actuary, New York Life Insurance Company
e-mail: bdschobel@aol.com
Eugene Steuerle
(202) 261-5545
Senior Fellow, The Urban Institute and
Chair, 1999 technical panel on actuarial assumptions for Social Security projections
Medicare Experts
Sheila Burke
(202) 357-7033
Undersecretary, American Museums and National Programs, Smithsonian Institution and
Chair, NASI Study Panel on Medicare’s Governance & Management
David Cutler
(617) 496-5216
Professor of Economics, Harvard University and
member of recent technical panel on actuarial assumptions for Medicare projections
Paul Ginsburg
(202) 484-5261
President, Center for Studying Health System Change;
former Executive Director, Physician Payment Review Commission; and
Chair, NASI Study Panel on Fee-for-Service Medicare
Marilyn Moon
(202) 261-5691
Senior Fellow, The Urban Institute;
former Public Trustee of the Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds; and
Chair, NASI Study Panel on Medicare Financing
Robert D. Reischauer
(202) 261-5400
President, The Urban Institute;
former Director, U.S. Congressional Budget Office; and
Chair, NASI Steering Committee on Restructuring Medicare for the Long Term
Bruce Vladeck
(212) 241-3845
Director, Institute for Medicare Practice, Mount Sinai Medical Center and
former Administrator, Health Care Financing Administration
e-mail: bruce.vladeck@moutsinai.org
Gail Wilensky
(301) 656-7401
Senior Fellow, Project HOPE;
former Administrator, Health Care Financing Administration; and
Member, NASI Steering Committee on Restructuring Medicare for the Long Term
e-mail: gwilensk@projhope.org
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The National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization of the nation’s leading experts on social insurance. Its mission is to conduct research and enhance public understanding of social insurance, develop new leaders, and provide a nonpartisan forum for the exchange of important ideas in the field. For more information on the National Academy of Social Insurance visit www.nasi.org or call (202) 452-8097.
See related news: Medicare and Health Policy, Social Security