For Immediate Release | February 14, 2018

WASHINGTON, DC — The Board of Directors of the National Academy of Social Insurance has approved the election of 52 distinguished social insurance experts to the Academy, bringing the total active Membership to over 1,100. (A complete list of individuals newly-elected to the Academy can be found below.)

The Membership of the Academy is central to its mission – to advance solutions to challenges facing the nation by increasing public understanding of how social insurance contributes to economic security. The Academy’s work encompasses established social insurance programs – Workers’ Compensation, Unemployment Insurance, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid – as well as related areas of healthcare policy, long-term services and supports, paid leave, other social assistance programs, and private employee benefits.

“We are excited to welcome our newest cohort of Members, who reflect the evolving concerns of the Academy. While the traditional structure of social insurance works well for a majority of today’s workforce, changes are needed to address the needs of those in various employment relationships. We are increasingly focused on the changing risks that American workers and their families face, due to the forces of globalization and technology.” – William Arnone, CEO

“Our newly-elected Members include some of the nation’s leading experts and most creative problem solvers in social insurance and inequality, which is the Academy’s overarching theme and a critical challenge for our country.”  – Shaun O’Brien, Membership Committee Chair

Those elected to Membership in the Academy have distinguished themselves by improving the quality of research, administration, or policymaking in an area of social insurance. Academy Members make significant contributions to the Academy’s research, education, and leadership development initiatives by volunteering their time on study panels, committees, at conferences, and in other Academy programs.

Prospective Members are nominated by current Academy Members in recognition of their significant and ongoing professional contributions to the field of social insurance. For more information about Membership in the Academy and a full list of active Members, please visit the “Membership in NASI” section of the Academy’s website (

Individuals elected to Membership and their affiliations at the time of nomination:

Loren Adler, Brookings Institution

David Autor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Peter Barnes, Co-Founder of Working Assets Long Distance (now Credo Mobile)

Alex Brill, American Enterprise Institute

Kevin Mark Bye, Social Security Administration

Manasi Deshpande, University of Chicago

Eva Dominguez, Alliance for Retired Americans

Mark Duggan, Stanford University

Michael (Misha) Dworsky, RAND Corporation

Joel Eskovitz, AARP

John Feather, Grantmakers in Aging

Matthew Fiedler, Brookings Institution

Jon Gabel, Independent Consultant

Kimberly George, Sedgwick Claims Management Services

Sarah Jane Glynn, National Academy of Social Insurance

Dana Goldman, University of Southern California

Shelby Gonzales, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Keith Hall, Congressional Budget Office

Thomas Holder, Long & Holder, LLP

Susan Houseman, W.E. Upjohn Institute

Jessica Jew, LA Care Health Plan

Josephine Kalipeni, Caring Across Generations

Julie Kashen, Make It Work

Hannah Katch, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Stephanie Kelton, State University of New York, Stony Brook

Paula Lantz, University of Michigan

Timothy Leier, TRL Consulting, LLC

Pauline Leung, Cornell University

Brian Lindberg, Consumer Coalition for Quality Health Care

Sarah Lueck, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Cindy Mann, Manatt Health

Sandra Markwood, National Association of Area Agencies on Aging

Henry Martin, Salud Para La Gente

Melissa McInerney, Tufts University

Dana Muir, University of Michigan

Tony Notaro, Social Security Administration

Samantha O’Leary, UnitedHealth Group

Rebecca Reindel, AFL-CIO

Stephanie Rennane, RAND Corporation

Jody Schimmel Hyde, Mathematica Policy Research

Katherine Schofield, University of Minnesota, Duluth

Palak Shah, National Domestic Workers Alliance and Fair Care Labs

Julie Squire, National Association of State Workforce Agencies

Joseph Stiglitz, Columbia University

Tara Straw, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Louis (Rusty) Toler, Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement

Jasmine Tucker, National Women’s Law Center

Lois Vitt, Institute for Socio-Financial Studies

Jane Waldfogel, Columbia University

Rodney Whitlock, ML Strategies

Jamie Wilson, Office of Management and Budget

Joseph Wurzburger, Society of Actuaries

The National Academy of Social Insurance is a non-profit, nonpartisan organization made up of the nation’s leading experts on social insurance. Its mission is to advance solutions to challenges facing the nation by increasing public understanding of how social insurance contributes to economic security.

See related news: News About NASI

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